About Us
We never thought we would be selling salsa for a living. Not even in our wildest of dreams. We have been making fresh salsa for family, friends, and special gatherings for over 20 years. In 2016, we were visiting friends in Denver, Colorado and met a gal who tried our salsa and asked, “Why aren’t you selling this?” With my husband’s work schedule and busy day-to-day life, canning salsa was not in the picture. In August 2020, Covid-19 and quarantine prompted my husband to quit his job of 24 years. Then we dedicated 100% of our time to developing a salsa business. On May 22, 2021—after months of research, development, and hard work—we officially opened our doors for business. Just a few short months later, we are selling salsa in two local farmers’ markets, on social media, and often just by word of mouth. Business is good and growing daily. Many thanks to my friend, Dyanna Tilson, for planting the seed for this endeavor. Also, thanks to the local farmers in Pueblo, Colorado who grow our Jalapeños and Pueblo Chili’s that enhance our Hand Crafted Salsa made with fresh local ingredients.

Our Process When We Started

Our Process Now